DA Ideas

Thinking about DA ideas isn’t an easy process, especially when you don’t have many interests to work with. But advice given to everyone is to work on something you enjoy doing, that way it doesn’t feel like an assignment. I thought about what I’m most interested in and what came to mind was The Sims. I’ve always been a fan of the game, and that’s why I decided last semester, for my DA, to recreate houses I found online in the game, adding my own interiors to it. Transitioning into my second year now, I’m thinking about continuing on with this concept, but maybe changing it up a bit, by adding or focusing on a slightly different aspect in the game. What I’m thinking of changing/adding include:

  • Floor plans that I come up with/copy


Example of a floor plan in The Sims 4 found on the internet

  • Room recreations (as I get a lot of inspiration from Pinterest)

Whether my audience will like it or not, depends on their feedback so if you have any, please let me know 🙂

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