Algorithmic control II: Hardware Platforms, Access Permissions and Ideologies of Control

The history and introduction of mobile phones dates back to a long time ago. From the arrival of the first portable phone bringing mobility in 1972, to the invention of the first GUI with the Apple iPhone in 2007, then the first Android phone in 2008, the HTC Dream.

The latter two brought about different platforms, resulting in different ways of operating. For Apple, their philosophy involves a closed operating system. This is where they have complete control over their platform, content and users. With their walled garden of apps with the App Store, this stops individuals from uploading whatever app they want, instead they need to be approved. On the other hand, Android’s operating system is completely open where they don’t have any control over any of this, and anyone is able to contribute to their Google Play.

Everyone has their own opinion of these operating systems, but which would you prefer?

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