Internet paradigm I: Networked Participation and Collective Intelligence

Technological advancements have resulted in a change in how audiences both receive and send messages. Previously, media was monologic where one person would send a message. This was a difficult process as it would have to go through a number of gatekeepers before it is passed on. Such as an editor, if a news publisher were to post a story.

Whereas today, we have shifted from monologic media to dialogic media, which has changed the way communication is carried out and how individuals communicate with one another. The simplest example is the internet, which has allowed a many-to-many form of communication. That is, where anyone can send information which is conveyed to a whole network of people. A recent example of this is the Christchurch shooting which was live streamed on Facebook. Although the dissemination of information online is so simple, it does make you wonder the negatives to it.

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