Multi screening in the home and in public – Ethnographic Research Pitch (Part 1)

Introduction to topic: Since beginning BCM 241 and diving into different topics around the media use of others, it got me thinking about all the ideas I could conduct an ethnographic study on. What interested me was media usage in the home and in public.  Media has evolved so much over time.. Back in the [...]

The networked home

Before people could use new forms of technology to access media, the most prevalent way of interacting was through the use of the radio. 92% of US adults listened to it, through broadcasts, streaming it on the internet or satellite. Whereas now, there are many ways that we can access the media (Rodriguez, 2018).  According [...]

Cinema spaces

The movie watching experience has changed dramatically over the years. I remember before cinemas were a thing, people would have to physically go out to video stores to browse for movies to rent and play on their DVD player. Then there would be a specific date you would have to return it, without getting a [...]


It's crazy how dramatically mobile phones have changed over the years. I remember being in primary school, jealous of everyone around me who already owned one. I definitely felt like I was missing out 😦 Year 7 was when I received my first phone; a Nokia E71. I finally felt like I fit in, with [...]

Reflection: Research Project

Coming into BCM 212, I didn't know what to expect. Understanding research practice? It didn't sound too complicated to me. Within the first few weeks where we had to come up with a question to focus our research on, based on student experience, I was a bit stuck with ideas. Thinking about negative experiences that [...]